Eduardo Pelle

Eduardo Pelle is closing December 2024.

You have 3 months left to get your inspired handbags.

Inspired Handbag, Belts and Purses

Inspired Designs You'll Love

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Shipped From Newcastle Upon Tyne 2022

Inspired Handbag designs

Retail fashion, wholesale price.

Inspired Handbag designs by Eduardo pelle

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1993 - 2020

Eduardo's Success story

In 2017, Eduardo Pelle was one of the largest brands on the high street of Newcastle Upon Tyne via our commercial high street store Eduardo Pelle.

Eduardo supplied coats, handbags, travel bags in an incredible bazaar type arrangement to locations such as the Metro Centre, Northumberland Street, Princess Street, Scotland and Trafford centre, Manchester. 

Today - Eduardo Pelle has taken all of it's stock in-house and ships our beautiful handbags and belts to not just local retailers but directly to you with our range of incredible prices!